Sunday, November 15, 2009

Surving the Infection (What day is it today??)

...........and I've got no idea is it still day or night..........

Its official...although not bitten by those zombies, I feel myself slipping away from reality mindlessly turning into a zombie myself. Been out in the sun which proves I haven't become a vampire yet but sitting at my desk staring blankly at the computer screen pretty much places me at the zombie critical zone... >_<

Nothing much have been done lately..although by right (again I stress, BY RIGHT) I should have been critically hitting the books, doing some research and trying my best to conjour money out of thin air..sadly, none was ever accomplished...yet (really hoping for the last to work though)..Next in mind, casting fireballs.. ^_^

Classes start again next week..thank goodness for that..though i'm kinda gonna miss this holiday need-to-repay-time-off-from-hospitals. Oh well..hopefully the bard can yoddle her way to make the teacher "settle" our "unpaid" leave quickly without much harm..if that fails, michelle the assasin can kill her for us.. ^_^ (the bard..not the teacher... =p ) then let the druid do her charming spell on the teacher..that should work...

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