Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Bard and Her Song of Joy...

Lately the bard have come down with a certain infection...aparently she seems to yoddle out of control at most time practically the whole day.. >_<
Having a boring cycle this time. Interesting if there was actually more action going on..but most of the time its just wayward daydreaming and endless gossip.. (I would really wanna leave the yoddling part out of this.... v_v)
I'll get back to this some other time...have something in my head I need deleted before it courrupts my whole system O_O

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Apple and the Son of Apple.....

....and no i'm not reffering to my cousin ( in law?). Son of apple is the term used for an orange in Ukraine/Russia (and all other cyrillic speaking countries)...
Finally im back once again in zombie land and joined up (again) once again with the party safe for the kender who is still enjoying back in motherland. Nothing much changed back here with a few execptions that the economy is getting worse and inflation kicks real pain in..
Now i forgot what i wanted to say.... =p