Sunday, May 3, 2009

When Haloes Becomes Horns

It was a remarkable weather in the morning, nice breeze, sweet smell of pollen ( thankfully not allergic to it ) calm temperature, all perhaps to imagine of a nice perfect morning...nice enough to go for a short outing that is. So I waddled my way through the streets enjoying the nice morning, making my way towards the central market ( or rathar the bazaar judging from the amount of things being sold there in various interests ), planning to pick up some instruments enough to blast a chicken to its roasted glory (or any meat in general =p). Managed to reach the market in one piece but gosh, after a while not being in the presence of this place for a really long time, it somehow looked new...wait it was rearranged to look new. Now, new is good just that it took me a huge amount of time (and couple of painkillers to kill the headache) to actually find the shops that sold the things I needed. The whole place was practically a mess (not literally since it was indeed more organized, just lacking in signboards ) and it took me hell of a time rounding the market over and over and over just to find one shop.. >_<" ....
Finally managed to accomplish my marketing mission but alas, the nice perfect weather suddenly became all murky, gloomy and irritability much for a nice day. Did make it back before it started to rain and thankfully cuddled under a warm nice blanket right now..darn and I still have to cook dinner... >_<

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