Sunday, April 26, 2009

Battle with the Beastmaster - The Final Encounter

Once again I was at the swamp, looking for possible places of where the Beastmaster could have hid the Books of Seals. Difficult as it was since the swamp was all murky, misty and indefinitely a horrendous stench that filled my nostrils. I had revised my possible attacks on a serpent assuming that this time, I would possibly have the upper hand; assuming was where I went wrong..

I reached the opening where my last battle was held, and spotted on a piece of jagged rock, the Books of Seals; the Beastmaster, nowhere in sight. Slowly, I made an approach towards the books, cautiously trying to smell the trap, trying to hear as precise any rustling sounds that might have come from Slithus. If my opponent was supposed to be Slithus..

I neared the books almost barely grasping it with my hands when I felt the hair on my back stand. With a gulp, not knowing what was behind me or how easily I was ambushed, I had to think of an escape route. It was when I felt a a gush of wind, as if something was falling against me, only managed to barrel-roll in time towards safety.

A large claw-like leg poked against the ground of where I one once stood. It was black, hairy and almost eerie like..almost like a limb of a spider..and I was right..

Stood before me, a large black spider, looking hungrily towards me, clacking its jaws together
with a sickening most sound. A spider..poison..antidote..escape....
I knew I had to make this my final battle with the Beastmaster. I was growing tired of my journeys to the swampland and pretty much the battle with the Beastmasters creatures. I lobed every spell I knew towards the arachnoid, frantically, hoping to end this as fast as possible while dodging every attack that was thrown in return. Exhausted, raised my wand and muttered "Claustrum Argenti", a silver bolt shot from the wand hitting the spider at its abdomen, bursting its content. With that final shot, the spider fell on its back, legs folded in..I have won.
I gathered all the Books of Seals, gave the swamp one last glance, and left the forsaken place back to my den.


  1. congrats! who else left to battle now? oh yeah.. now you are left with the pits on your face.. wahhah

  2. Yeah..those pits...should make some potion shit to remove it =p
